Friday, May 23, 2008

School Holidays are back

Yes, is the time of the year....term two hols are here. I haven't been writing for more than two months. Sorry friends, for not updating. Well oh well, is my 3rd month in my current line of work. So far so good..enjoying most of it. Especially the time offs haha. The kids exams were over finally, school holiday just started this week. Rachel just recovered from high fever, tonsils inflammation & stomach flu..poor girl. However despite the bulk of sickness she had, she scored B's for her papers. Proud of her effort put in. Thanks Rachel, you make mummy proud! :) Raelyn tried her best and did averagely well for her standard. Keep it up Rae!

In the month of April, me and some kakis went to Batam to eat,shop and relax..was a day trip only, but was fantastic! the hair cream steam bath was super duper rejuvenating for only S$10, with a shoulder, head and hand!

I am working on a new "dance, stretch & praise" program for far two songs have been chosen and the steps created. We can't wait to launch it in July..will try to get pictures to show you all ok?

Yup thats all for now. We got plans to Port Dickson in June! Looking forward for sure..Yay!!

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